Documentary on medicinal cannabis

A NZ medical student and researcher is working on a documentary on the use of medicinal cannabis. The primary audience for her documentary is the medical profession. In a recent interview, Victoria Catherwood (pictured) says that the medical profession generally lacks knowledge about the medicinal uses of cannabis and that this a problem her film is intended to... Read More | Share it now!

Trump selects Robert F. Kennedy to lead Vaccine Safety Commission

US President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Robert F Kennedy to lead a new commission on the safety of vaccines.  Robert F. Kennedy is the author of a book Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak about the mercury-based preservative which is still used in some vaccines.  . Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. is also one of the featured speakers in the online event “Vaccines Revealed” which is currently FREE online. ... Read More | Share it now!

FREE “Vaccines Revealed” online docu-series coming up in January

Website editor’s note: In January 2017, Patrick Gentempo and team brought us “Vaccines Revealed“, a fantastic docu-series about which you can read below. This docu-series is not currently available, but if you sign up at the Vaccines Revealed website by clicking HERE you will be notified of future viewing opportunities. ************************************ Update 24 January 2017:  There is a free replay for... Read More | Share it now!

The annual Community Mental Health Day (organised by The NZ Healing Assocation, Inc.,  Psychiatric Survivors and Clockwise Healthcare) is taking place in Auckland on Wednesday December 14 2016. The venue and times are below: Auckland Horticultural Centre, 990 Great North Rd, Western springs 14 December 2016 9.00am – 4.00pm   More information including speaker profiles may be found by downloading the... Read More | Share it now!

Community Mental Health Day December 14 2016

The annual Community Mental Health Day (organised by The NZ Healing Assocation, Inc.,  Psychiatric Survivors and Clockwise Healthcare) is taking place in Auckland on Wednesday December 14 2016. The venue and times are below: Auckland Horticultural Centre, 990 Great North Rd, Western springs 14 December 2016 9.00am – 4.00pm   More information including speaker profiles may be found by downloading the... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed documentary screenings in Australia

Website editor’s note:  The text below is a press release from the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN), an organisation that promotes parents’ rights to make a free and informed choice about vaccination for their children. The AVN is also fundraising for a legal challenge against the No Jab No Pay legislation. For future screenings of Vaxxed in Australia, please see this link of the AVN... Read More | Share it now!

Do you want to learn the truth about cancer?

Why is it that when someone  is diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand, practically the only options ever offered through our tax-payer funded public health system are surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy? How did these treatments come to be the treatment of choice for people with cancer? While in some cases, these treatments can be helpful or lifesaving, many people do not substantially benefit from these... Read More | Share it now!

Conquering Cancer by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Now available in print and e-book options

From 1987 until his unexpected death in July 2015, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez worked in private practice in New York with his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs. During that time, their practice became famous worldwide for the extraordinary success of the personalised nutrition and detoxification based therapeutic approach in treating people who had advanced cancer and other difficult-to-treat diseases. (For some examples of... Read More | Share it now!

FREE Environmental Sensitivities Symposium

The 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium brings together 15 experts from around the world, all sharing their perspective on various aspects of environmental sensitivities. Topics include electromagnetic hypersensitivity, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, heavy metals (including lead), indoor air quality contaminants, mould, and chemicals (including obesogens). Every interview is informative... Read More | Share it now!

Conquering Cancer by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Pre-orders now being taken

From 1987 until his unexpected death in July 2015, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez worked in private practice in New York with his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs. During that time, their practice became famous worldwide for the extraordinary success of the personalised nutrition and detoxification based therapeutic approach in treating people who had advanced cancer and other difficult to treat diseases. (For some examples of... Read More | Share it now!

Now online! See Professor Connett’s Christchurch 2016 talk

Christchurch is a city where the people are currently lucky enough not to have fluoride compounds added to their municipal water supplies. However, this could change if the government’s sneaky plan to introduce mandatory fluoridation succeeds.  Please share this link of international fluoride expert Professor Connett informative lecture – especially with friends and family in Christchurch and other... Read More | Share it now!

Award winning documentary FREE for a limited time

Website editor’s note:  The text below comes from a recent post on  If you are in Australia, you may want to check out You can watch the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power  for FREE for a limited time via the link below!   Take Back Your Power | Watch FREE til Tues Aug 16!!!   Please share this link widely and... Read More | Share it now!

Fluoride debate coming on NZ TV

Website editor’s note: The fluoride debate discussed below has now been screened on TV.  If you missed it you can watch it on youtube at this link The following information is excerpted from a recent Fluoride Free NZ newsletter.  Fluoride Free NZ ( has been working to educate New Zealanders about fluoride and end the unethical practice of... Read More | Share it now!

Watch Professor Paul Connett on Mainland TV

Professor Paul Connett recently visited NZ to give a series of lectures on water fluoridation.  During his visit here he was interviewed on Mainland TV.  You can see the interview below. A huge thank you to Professor Connett for traveling all the way down to NZ to help educate New Zealanders about this issue and the Mainland TV presenter for a great interview. If you would like to help remove fluoride from... Read More | Share it now!

A wired internet connection is a better internet connection

Using a wired internet connection (and turning off any wireless modems in your computer) means that you avoid exposing yourself to potentially carcinogenic microwave radiation while you are online. Wired internet connections are generally faster than wireless, too, although there are exceptions. This website has a couple of links to help you enjoy safer net-surfing. They are below for your convenience. The link... Read More | Share it now!

A tribute to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez by Dr. Linda Isaacs

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez practised nutritional medicine in New York with his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs from 1987 until 2015, when Dr. Gonzalez passed away unexpectedly on July 21. Their practice became well known for their success in treating people with advanced cancer using a protocol based upon personalised diet, nutritional supplements, pancreatic glandular products that supply pancreatic enzymes and... Read More | Share it now!

Special 2-DVD tribute to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Website editor’s note:  The text below comes from a recent newsletter from the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation. You can learn more about the work of Dr. Gonzalez at the Foundation website at this link: The books and DVDs that Dr. Gonzalez wrote (or co-authored) were reviewed in early editions of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.  If you type “Gonzalez” (without the... Read More | Share it now!

Man Made Epidemic has successful premiere

Man Made Epidemic, the new documentary that explores how vaccines, pesticides and electromagnetic radiation are helping to destroy the health of a growing number of children, leaving them ill and autistic recently had its premiere in London. News about the premiere is at this link: News The film can now be streamed from the film’s website: Movie MAN MADE EPIDEMIC You can learn more about the film at the... Read More | Share it now!

Man Made Epidemic; new film on causes of autism to premiere in London

A new film which looks at how medications, including vaccines, pesticides and other environmental factors, including electromagnetic radiation are contributing to an epidemic of autism in young children will premiere in London on June 25. The film is called Man Made Epidemic and its website is You can register for updates about the film on the... Read More | Share it now!