Introducing Dr. Kelly Brogan and her book A Mind of Your Own

The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine is very proud to have Dr. Kelly Brogan as a regular contributor. (For example, issue 20 features her article “Immunity; the Emerging Truth” and you can access a free sample of articles from this issue at this link or purchase a PDF here or printed copy here..) Dr. Brogan is an MD who focuses on nutritional medicine and women’s health.  Accordingly, she has... Read More | Share it now!

The interview with the producer of Vaxxed that ABC didn’t want you to see

There is a new documentary on the autism-MMR cover-up.  Called Vaxxed:  From Cover-up to Catastrophe it has already ignited a firestorm of controversy because it was first accepted for, and then dropped from the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival.  (Please see this link and this link for the background on these events.) Shortly before the decision was made by the organisers of the Tribeca Film Festival (the... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed to premiere in New York in exclusive one week engagement

Website editor’s note: The following information comes from the website More information about Vaxxed may be found on this website as well as on our new Facebook page which you may access through this link: Vaxxed to premiere in New York Premiering Friday, April 1st at Angelika Film Center in... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed documentary withdrawn from Tribeca Festival – Why?

UPDATE:  Since this article was written, Vaxxed has had its premiere and ongoing screenings in Australia and now its premiere in NZ is scheduled for Auckland on April 2.  The general EventBrite link for all ongoing NZ screenings is For ongoing information for NZ and Australia, please visit this website:  The NZ... Read More | Share it now!

Save Our Seeds!

Good food is one of the basics of health. Qualty fresh fruit and vegetables are particularly important – but NZ children who live in low income households often miss out on sufficient fresh fruit and veges.. Robina McCurdy of the Localising Food Project who produced the documentary Growing Schools  which profiled successful school gardening initiatives, is now working on a new documentary called Save Our... Read More | Share it now!

Explosive new documentary “Vaxxed”! Watch and share the trailer now

UPDATE:  Since this article was written, Vaxxed has had its premiere and ongoing screenings in Australia and now its premiere in NZ is scheduled for Auckland on April 2.  For ongoing information for NZ and Australia, please visit this website:  The NZ Facebook page is here:  or for details of the NZ premiere, please go to this... Read More | Share it now!

96 year old leads campaign against smart meters in Hikurangi

Ninety-six year old retired special education teacher Betty Hooper recently took advantage of living on a main street of her Northland town to help educate her community about the smart meter issue. (To find out why Betty – and large numbers of other people around the world are opposed to smart meters, please see this link or visit She turned her front garden into a smart meter... Read More | Share it now!

Why are so many people saying no to smart meters?

There are about as many reasons why people are saying “no” to smart meters as there are people who oppose smart meters, however some of the more common reasons are listed below: 1)  Health reasons, including a possible increase in the risk of developing cancer. Smart meters produce microwave (also called radiofrequency or RF) radiation which has been classified as a “possible carcinogen”... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccination talks coming up in Tauranga and Auckland

Site editor’s note:  The information below has been supplied by WAVESnz, a New Zealand organisation that supports informed consent and freedom of choice  regarding vaccination. The Truth about Vaccines Ingredients, toxicity & side effects of the New Zealand Vaccine Schedule What you need to know about vaccines and childhood illnesses  that your medical practitioner won’t tell you. Presented by Tracy... Read More | Share it now!

Catalyst Wi-Fried wi-fi documentary

This documentary which screened on TV in Australia a few days ago comes very highly recommended by friends who are well educated in the field of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and health. You should be able to access the Catalyst Wi-Fried wi-fi documentary through the link below: (Look at the top of the list for Episode 3 16/02/2016) Please note that if you are looking for... Read More | Share it now!

Craving chocolate, coffee or cola drinks?

Editor’s note: Many people, especially women, experience cravings for chocolate and/or cola drinks, while coffee is the drug of choice for many adults; particularly those who are chronically overworked and/or sleep-deprived. In the article below, homoeopath Lee-Anne McCall discusses how the kola nut (traditionally used to flavour cola drinks) and related plants including those from which the raw materials... Read More | Share it now!

MMR vaccine whistleblower documentary launched

A new documentary by Truth in Media explores the story of the CDC scientist Dr.William Thompson who went public in 2014 about he and his colleagues had acted to cover up evidence that some children who received the MMR vaccine were at increased risk of developing autism. Please take the time to watch the documentary at the youtube below, and share this link with others, particularly couples who are planning to... Read More | Share it now!

Considering ultrafast broadband?

Considering ultrafast broadband? Be aware that some systems may have adverse health effects IMPORTANT NOTE FROM WEBSITE EDITOR: The information in the post on www, is now somewhat out of date.  Please refer to the following link on for an updated discussion of ultrafast broadband options.  Thank you! Considering ultrafast broadband? With the roll-out of fibre... Read More | Share it now!

Protect your health with an inexpensive, safe, hardwired internet connection

Many people who have become aware of the risks of microwave radiation* from wi-fi routers are now considering going back to a safe, hardwired internet connnection… Below you can learn how to connect to the internet safely – and inexpensively. “Hard-wiring” an internet connection need not require expensive cabling within a home.  It can be done using an existing copper phone line connection with a... Read More | Share it now!

Gardasil has adverse effects on young female mice

In January 2016, a paper was published in the journal Vaccine that reported on an experiment in which young female mice were administered either either, “Gardasil, Gardasil+pertussis toxin (Pt), Al hydroxide, or, vehicle control in amounts equivalent to human exposure.” The paper is titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human... Read More | Share it now!

A beautiful short film about electrohypersensitivity (EHS)

At the link below you can see a mini documentary on electrohypersensitivity (also known as EHS, electrosensitivity or ES or electromagnetic hypersensivity (EMS).)  People with this condition develop a range of unpleasant symptoms (ranging from relatively mild to disabling) from exposure to electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields produced by common devices such as cell phones, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi... Read More | Share it now!

The HPV vaccine debate continues

Website editor’s note:  The text below comes from Freda Birrell from the website  This website provides information about HPV vaccination and support to people who have been adversely affected by the vaccine.  In New Zealand, there is now a new website that offers local support and information about the HPV vaccine. It is Another link to more information on HPV... Read More | Share it now!

A paper on electromagnetic hypersensitivity by Dr. Mallery-Blythe

British physician Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe has written an excellent resource on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (also know as electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and electrosensitivity (ES).) You can read this document at this link:   NB: If you are interested in electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and health, you will no doubt find many of the articles in... Read More | Share it now!