Award winning documentary FREE for a limited time

Website editor’s note:  The text below comes from a recent post on  If you are in Australia, you may want to check out You can watch the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power  for FREE for a limited time via the link below!   Take Back Your Power | Watch FREE til Tues Aug 16!!!   Please share this link widely and... Read More | Share it now!

Fluoride debate coming on NZ TV

Website editor’s note: The fluoride debate discussed below has now been screened on TV.  If you missed it you can watch it on youtube at this link The following information is excerpted from a recent Fluoride Free NZ newsletter.  Fluoride Free NZ ( has been working to educate New Zealanders about fluoride and end the unethical practice of... Read More | Share it now!

Watch Professor Paul Connett on Mainland TV

Professor Paul Connett recently visited NZ to give a series of lectures on water fluoridation.  During his visit here he was interviewed on Mainland TV.  You can see the interview below. A huge thank you to Professor Connett for traveling all the way down to NZ to help educate New Zealanders about this issue and the Mainland TV presenter for a great interview. If you would like to help remove fluoride from... Read More | Share it now!

A wired internet connection is a better internet connection

Using a wired internet connection (and turning off any wireless modems in your computer) means that you avoid exposing yourself to potentially carcinogenic microwave radiation while you are online. Wired internet connections are generally faster than wireless, too, although there are exceptions. This website has a couple of links to help you enjoy safer net-surfing. They are below for your convenience. The link... Read More | Share it now!

Where does fluoride come from?

If you have never wondered about the origin of fluoride compounds used in water fluoridation and many other fluoride-containing products …this short video shows the source of a large proportion of these chemicals.  To learn more about the fluoridation situation in NZ, please visit the website of Fluoride Free NZ at     About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine The NZ... Read More | Share it now!

Meet the “guerilla gardener” who is bringing fresh food to his neighbourhood

Here’s something inspiring and worth emulating… Ron Finley is bringing fresh food to people in his neighbourhood by growing veggies in areas that no one else is using. You can see his now famous TED X talk at this link   While a longer interview is at the link below: NB: If you believe that nutrition is... Read More | Share it now!

Man Made Epidemic has successful premiere

Man Made Epidemic, the new documentary that explores how vaccines, pesticides and electromagnetic radiation are helping to destroy the health of a growing number of children, leaving them ill and autistic recently had its premiere in London. News about the premiere is at this link: News The film can now be streamed from the film’s website: Movie MAN MADE EPIDEMIC You can learn more about the film at the... Read More | Share it now!

Is your workplace EMR safe?

Most people spend a large amount of their waking hours at work so it is important that workplaces are as safe as possible, in terms of the exposures to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for both staff (and any customers who may come onto the premises.) The article at the link below discusses different sources of EMR in the workplace: Forced exposure to EMF radiation at work if you are an employer, please think... Read More | Share it now!

Professor Paul Connett lectures on fluoride in NZ 2016

Website editor’s note:  The information below comes from the  website of Fluoride Free New Zealand which is working to end water fluoridation in NZ.  (In some NZ towns and cities, local councils add fluoride compounds which are waste products of industry (typically fertiliser manufacture or aluminium smelting) to municipal water supplies despite the fact that it is unethical to use drinking and bathing... Read More | Share it now!

See the cell phone documentary Mobilize for FREE

A word to the wise; the featured image illustrates what NOT to do with a cell phone.  Don’t let a child use a cell phone as a toy or talk on a cell phone;  their skulls are thinner and smaller than an adult and they will absorb more radiation into their developing brain.  If you have not already seen the documentary Mobilize, there is now an opportunity to see it for FREE. Free viewing is available at the... Read More | Share it now!

Latest news on cell phones and brain cancers

In response to a recently published paper that was widely promoted as showing that cell phones do do not cause brain cancers, this website recently published the article that you can read at HERE. And a follow up article that you can read HERE: Now, following the Chapman 2016 study being covered in Medsafe, Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health,University... Read More | Share it now!

Cell phone radiation increases cancer in animals

Microwave News has recently covered a new study by the National Toxicology Program that shows that exposure to cell phone radiation increases cancers in the unfortunate animals exposed to it. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise given that a number of studies show that people who use cell phones are at increased risk of developing some types of cancer. (NB: See below for some examples as well as important... Read More | Share it now!

Meeting on glyphosate spraying of Auckland streets

Website editor’s note: The information below comes from Auckland Weed Management Advisory which has been provides information about weed control.  Unfortunately, Auckland Council has chosen to ignore the cancer risks (glyphosate was recently classified as a “probable carcinogen” and spray glyphosate based herbicides on our streets and parks, including around childen’s playgrounds. Read on... Read More | Share it now!

This talking doll is amazing…but is it safe? A new trend in children’s toys (previously discussed at this link of our website) is so-call “smart” toys. This doll is one of a new generation of “smart” toys and the technology is amazing. As you can watch at the video on this link of the website of the Geovital Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine, when the little girl talks to the... Read More | Share it now!

This talking doll is amazing…but is it safe?

This talking doll is amazing…but is it safe? A new trend in children’s toys (previously discussed at this link of our website) is so-call “smart” toys. This doll is one of a new generation of “smart” toys and the technology is amazing. As you can watch at the video on this link of the website of the Geovital Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine, when the little girl talks to the... Read More | Share it now!

Latest news on cell phones and brain tumours

He’s smiling now now…but could his cell phone habit have deadly consequences in the future?  (If you have to talk on a cell phone for work, please use an air tube headset to reduce the amount of radiation reaching your brain.  Please see below for more information.)   Those readers who enjoyed the article Do you really think that mobile phones don’t increase the risk of brain cancer? may enjoy... Read More | Share it now!

Do you really think that mobile phones DON’T increase the risk of brain cancer?

A new study by Professor Simon Chapman et al which was published by Cancer Epidemiology has just been trumpeted in The Conversation and the Daily Mail as showing that cell phones don’t cause brain cancer. But is this really the case? The text of abstract alone gives rise to some observations and pertinent questions: Why was 10 years chosen for a cut off point for the Chapman study? The new Chapman study was... Read More | Share it now!

If you don’t want compulsory fluoridation in NZ, please take action now

Fluoride Free New Zealand has reported that the NZ government is planning to introduce legislation to that will essentially make the fluoridation of community water supplies mandatory.  (Currently, water fluoridation is the responsible of the local authority – such as the city or district council – that provides a reticulated water supply for a city or town.) In recent years, a significant number of... Read More | Share it now!

Save Our Seeds!

Good food is one of the basics of health. Qualty fresh fruit and vegetables are particularly important – but NZ children who live in low income households often miss out on sufficient fresh fruit and veges.. Robina McCurdy of the Localising Food Project who produced the documentary Growing Schools  which profiled successful school gardening initiatives, is now working on a new documentary called Save Our... Read More | Share it now!