See the great documentary Bought for FREE

See the great  documentary Bought for FREE at the link below…This is a limited time offer so be quick!   Ed note: If you think that this article is important, please share it, thank you! This article will also be accessible through our Facebook page at this link: If you enjoy Bought... Read More | Share it now!

This story has been the most popular post ever on our Facebook page

This story is not original to our website but it has been the most popular post ever on our Facebook page so we wanted to share it with you…  Claim that NZ uses ‘safe vaccines’ -­ a sick joke By Gayle Dickson, Founder Gardasil Awareness New Zealand A recent statement by Dr. Nicky Turner that New Zealand uses only “safe vaccines” is surely a sick joke! Considering the number of young women who have... Read More | Share it now!

The other doco about the MMR whistle blower Dr William Thompson

There has naturally been a lot of media attention world wide about the documentary about MMR vaccine whistle blower Vaxxed:  For Cover-up to Catastrophe following its selection and then de-selection to screen at the prestigious Tribecca Filrm Festival.  (Read HERE and HERE on our website for more about this or go HERE to see an interview with the producer of Vaxxed.) Vaxxed is not yet available in NZ and there... Read More | Share it now!

Open letter to European Medicines Agency about HPV vaccine safety

Website editor’s note:  HPV vaccines have become controversial all around the world (including NZ – please see below) because of the significant numbers of previously healthy girls and young women (who have been the major targets of the vaccination programme to date) who have become seriously ill after being injected with the vaccine. There have also been deaths reported following HPV vaccination in... Read More | Share it now!

Aspiring athlete ill after HPV vaccine

Holly Oakley was an energetic, talented young athlete prior to her series of HPV vaccinations.  Now she struggles even to find the energy to talk with her friends. Holly’s mother tells her daughter’s story at this link of the website Please note that while Holly is not a New Zealander, girls her age who have received HPV vaccinations in NZ have developed similar illnesses. (The HPV... Read More | Share it now!

Minister of Health promotes “immunisation” to pregnant women

In a media statement dated May 2, the current NZ Minister of Health, Jonathan Coleman promoted “immunisation” to pregnant women. He is quoted as saying: “Getting immunised against whooping cough and influenza when you’re pregnant are two of the most important ways you can help protect your baby for their first few weeks of life.” (His advocacy of pertussis vaccination seems to be based on a... Read More | Share it now!

No Jab No Pay Legal Challenge Update April 2016

Website editor’s note: The No Jab No Pay legislation passed into Australian law.  You can read about this law at this link of our site. The information below has been excerpted from the April 10 email newsletter produced by The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, an organisation that supports parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s vaccinations without compulsion or... Read More | Share it now!

The interview with the producer of Vaxxed that ABC didn’t want you to see

There is a new documentary on the autism-MMR cover-up.  Called Vaxxed:  From Cover-up to Catastrophe it has already ignited a firestorm of controversy because it was first accepted for, and then dropped from the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival.  (Please see this link and this link for the background on these events.) Shortly before the decision was made by the organisers of the Tribeca Film Festival (the... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed to premiere in New York in exclusive one week engagement

Website editor’s note: The following information comes from the website More information about Vaxxed may be found on this website as well as on our new Facebook page which you may access through this link: Vaxxed to premiere in New York Premiering Friday, April 1st at Angelika Film Center in... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed documentary withdrawn from Tribeca Festival – Why?

UPDATE:  Since this article was written, Vaxxed has had its premiere and ongoing screenings in Australia and now its premiere in NZ is scheduled for Auckland on April 2.  The general EventBrite link for all ongoing NZ screenings is For ongoing information for NZ and Australia, please visit this website:  The NZ... Read More | Share it now!

Explosive new documentary “Vaxxed”! Watch and share the trailer now

UPDATE:  Since this article was written, Vaxxed has had its premiere and ongoing screenings in Australia and now its premiere in NZ is scheduled for Auckland on April 2.  For ongoing information for NZ and Australia, please visit this website:  The NZ Facebook page is here:  or for details of the NZ premiere, please go to this... Read More | Share it now!

Why are parents concerned about vaccines?

“Why are parents concerned about vaccines?” is a short youtube video that explains some of the reasons that many parents either choose not to vaccinate their children, or to delay vaccinations or are selective about the shots that they allow their children to receive. if you have always assumed that all vaccines are safe and effective and the current vaccine schedule has been fully tested for safety,... Read More | Share it now!

Do you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children?

If you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children – and that those decisions should be informed decisions, made without any coercion, you’re in good company. Worldwide, a huge number of people agree with you. (In fact, probably the only people who would have any serious disagreement with this eminently sensible position would be the type of hardcore pro-vaccine zealot who... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccination talks coming up in Tauranga and Auckland

Site editor’s note:  The information below has been supplied by WAVESnz, a New Zealand organisation that supports informed consent and freedom of choice  regarding vaccination. The Truth about Vaccines Ingredients, toxicity & side effects of the New Zealand Vaccine Schedule What you need to know about vaccines and childhood illnesses  that your medical practitioner won’t tell you. Presented by Tracy... Read More | Share it now!

Do you support freedom of choice regarding vaccination?

As regular readers of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine may know The No Jab No Pay legislation was recently passed in Australia. As is explained in the article “Coercive Medicine Comes to Australia” on page 13 of issue 20 (you can download a free sample of this issue which includes page 13 at this link) this legislation means that families in which children are not vaccinated in accordance with the... Read More | Share it now!

No Jab No Pay update: A creative response

As regular readers of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine may know The No Jab No Pay legislation was passed in Australia. As is explained in the article “Coercive Medicine Comes to Australia” on page 13 of issue 20 (you can download a free sample of this issue which includes page 13 at this link) this legislation means that families in which children are not vaccinated in accordance with the legislation... Read More | Share it now!

Gardasil has adverse effects on young female mice

In January 2016, a paper was published in the journal Vaccine that reported on an experiment in which young female mice were administered either either, “Gardasil, Gardasil+pertussis toxin (Pt), Al hydroxide, or, vehicle control in amounts equivalent to human exposure.” The paper is titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human... Read More | Share it now!

Update on No Jab No Pay

The “No Jab No Pay” legislation came into force in Australia on January 1. 2016.  Under this legislation, families in which children are not vaccinated in accordance with the requirements in the legislation (see below) will be financially penalised – unless their children are eligible for a medical exemption from vaccination.  (Until January 1 2016, Australian parents who did not want their... Read More | Share it now!