A special message from women’s health psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan

Website editor’s note:  The text below is a special message from women’s health psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan author of the best selling book A Mind of Your Own. (If you would like to read the first chapter for free it is accessible via this link:  https://kellybroganmd.com/a-mind-of-your-own/) Dr. Brogan specialises in identifying and treating the cause of symptoms such as anxiety, depression etc.... Read More | Share it now!

Watch “Sacrificial Virgins” – the new documentary on HPV vaccination

Website editor’s note: The following text is a press release from the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) and SaneVax Inc – www.sanevax.org announcing the first part of a new documentary on HPV vaccinations called Sacrificial Virgins – Not for the Greater Good. Part One of Sacrificial Virgins may be seen at this link: https://bit.ly/SV-NotGood NB:If you are in NZ and wanting... Read More | Share it now!

Training in science-based treatment of mental health problems available in Melbourne

Website editor’s note:The following text has been excerpted from the website of Bio=Balance Health – an organisation the provides training to physicians in science-based treatments for people who have been diagnosed with conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar etc. The organisation’s website also provides a link to help people locate a doctor who has trained with... Read More | Share it now!

Introducing Dr. Kelly Brogan’s Calm Body Clear Mind

Website editor’s note: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is proud that Dr. Kelly Brogan is one of our regular contributors. Dr. Brogan has chosen to specialise in holistic psychiatry to improve women’s health. In addition to running a successful medical practice, her best-selling book A Mind of Your Own and her online programme Vital Mind Reset offer women who have been suffering from common... Read More | Share it now!

Female Brain Summit online now

We’d all like to wake up each morning feeling healthy, alert and ready for whatever the working day (or day off) holds for us, right? An online event specifically to address brain health for women began on October 3 (sorry about the late notice!) and continues until October 11. This event is free (with potential to purchase the videos to watch according to your own schedule). Go to this link for... Read More | Share it now!

Dr Kelly Brogan launches “Vital Mind Reset” programme

At The NZ Journal of Medicine we are very proud to have leading wholistic psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan (who has a special interest in women’s health) as a regular contributor. Regular readers may be aware that Dr. Brogan’s new book A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives was recently published. (Details for the book may be seen at the... Read More | Share it now!

This story has been the most popular post ever on our Facebook page

This story is not original to our website but it has been the most popular post ever on our Facebook page so we wanted to share it with you…  Claim that NZ uses ‘safe vaccines’ -­ a sick joke By Gayle Dickson, Founder Gardasil Awareness New Zealand A recent statement by Dr. Nicky Turner that New Zealand uses only “safe vaccines” is surely a sick joke! Considering the number of young women who have... Read More | Share it now!

Latest news about the No Jab No Pay legal challenge

Website editor’s note:  The text below has been excerpted from comes from the latest email newsletter from the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN), an organisation that supports parental choice regarding their children’s vaccinations and is raising funds for a legal challenge to the No Jab No Pay legislation. More information about the AVN and its work may be found at its ... Read More | Share it now!

Open letter to European Medicines Agency about HPV vaccine safety

Website editor’s note:  HPV vaccines have become controversial all around the world (including NZ – please see below) because of the significant numbers of previously healthy girls and young women (who have been the major targets of the vaccination programme to date) who have become seriously ill after being injected with the vaccine. There have also been deaths reported following HPV vaccination in... Read More | Share it now!

Aspiring athlete ill after HPV vaccine

Holly Oakley was an energetic, talented young athlete prior to her series of HPV vaccinations.  Now she struggles even to find the energy to talk with her friends. Holly’s mother tells her daughter’s story at this link of the website www.sanevax.org. Please note that while Holly is not a New Zealander, girls her age who have received HPV vaccinations in NZ have developed similar illnesses. (The HPV... Read More | Share it now!

Minister of Health promotes “immunisation” to pregnant women

In a media statement dated May 2, the current NZ Minister of Health, Jonathan Coleman promoted “immunisation” to pregnant women. He is quoted as saying: “Getting immunised against whooping cough and influenza when you’re pregnant are two of the most important ways you can help protect your baby for their first few weeks of life.” (His advocacy of pertussis vaccination seems to be based on a... Read More | Share it now!

Introducing Dr. Kelly Brogan and her book A Mind of Your Own

The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine is very proud to have Dr. Kelly Brogan as a regular contributor. (For example, issue 20 features her article “Immunity; the Emerging Truth” and you can access a free sample of articles from this issue at this link or purchase a PDF here or printed copy here..) Dr. Brogan is an MD who focuses on nutritional medicine and women’s health.  Accordingly, she has... Read More | Share it now!

Craving chocolate, coffee or cola drinks?

Editor’s note: Many people, especially women, experience cravings for chocolate and/or cola drinks, while coffee is the drug of choice for many adults; particularly those who are chronically overworked and/or sleep-deprived. In the article below, homoeopath Lee-Anne McCall discusses how the kola nut (traditionally used to flavour cola drinks) and related plants including those from which the raw materials... Read More | Share it now!

Gardasil has adverse effects on young female mice

In January 2016, a paper was published in the journal Vaccine that reported on an experiment in which young female mice were administered either either, “Gardasil, Gardasil+pertussis toxin (Pt), Al hydroxide, or, vehicle control in amounts equivalent to human exposure.” The paper is titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human... Read More | Share it now!

Is HPV Vaccine Safety an Illusion Maintained by Suppression of Science?

The website SANEVAX.org which provides information about HPV vaccines and support to people who have been adversely affected by these vaccines,  recently put out a press release on HPV vaccine safety. The press release begins: “On January 14, 2016, Dr. Sin Hang Lee sent an open letter of complaint to the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan, charging members of GACVS, the... Read More | Share it now!

The UK Daily Mail reports that judges in India are demanding answers from the companies involved in a “cancer vaccine trial” in India in which teenagers and children as young as nine were reportedly administered HPV vaccines.  According to the article “the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their... Read More | Share it now!

Children die in vaccine trial: Judges demand answers

The UK Daily Mail reports that judges in India are demanding answers from the companies involved in a “cancer vaccine trial” in India in which teenagers and children as young as nine were reportedly administered HPV vaccines.  According to the article “the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their... Read More | Share it now!

The HPV vaccine debate continues

Website editor’s note:  The text below comes from Freda Birrell from the website www.sanevax.org.  This website provides information about HPV vaccination and support to people who have been adversely affected by the vaccine.  In New Zealand, there is now a new website that offers local support and information about the HPV vaccine. It is http://www.ga-nz.com/. Another link to more information on HPV... Read More | Share it now!

Ill Health After HPV vaccination: NZ Mothers and Daughters Share Their Experiences

Recently a  3D Investigates programme profiled four previously healthy NZ girls who became ill following the HPV vaccination Gardasil.  The programme also briefly told the stories of two NZ girls, Jasmine Renata (18) and Sarah Curran (16) who died unexpectedly following HPV vaccinations. Issue 19 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine provides more information on this important issue. The article “Ill... Read More | Share it now!